Friday, July 11, 2008

Technology's GREAT! . . .when it works

How long before some perv creates X-rated app icons?
So, the nation's abuzz with word of the latest iteration of the iPhone. [ZOMG -- 3G!!!1] Ordinarily, I wouldn't care less, since I want AT&T as my cell carrier about as much as I want tickets to the NKOTB reunion tour. One small item, however, won me over . . . coinciding with the new iPhone's release is a software update for both the older iPhone (read: expensive brick) and the iPod Touch, which yours truly happens to own and love. While Touch owners have to pony up $9.99 for the software upgrade, said software allows us access to a bevy of applications for our iPods through iTunes: mobile eBay, New York Times news items, Super Monkey Ball, and -- for the middle-aged stalkers among us -- Facebook and MySpace.

I went ahead and upgraded to iTunes 7.7 yesterday (thankfully!) in order to take advantage of the apps, but have as of yet been wildly unsuccessful in downloading the software upgrade for the Touch. I take cold comfort in stories that the chuckleheads who waited all night in lines in front of Apple stores across this great land are also having similar problems activating their new toys through iTunes. Just get it done, I says to Apple. Mmkay?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New episodes!

New episodes!
Originally uploaded by Rupert the RINO

. . . about time.

Seriously, I <3 ARGs

Follow the white rabbit. Or troll. WhateverCannot wait for Hellboy II. Or The Dark Knight. Or Iron Man. Hell, I'll even go see The Incredible Hulk, despite my persistent belief that there was no need whatsoever to remake Ang Lee's film of only four frickin' years ago.

But I digress. The site noticed to your port side here will take you to an ARG affiliated with Hellboy II. Not much to it just yet, but it is a fun diversion from repetitive Presidential politicking.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Masters? Live? On my 'puter? Yes, please!!!

You're my boy, Phil!
Rarely are time-wasters at work so enjoyable. I mean, not that I'm wasting time at work, because . . . well, that would just be wrong. Wrong, I say.

But with the second day of Masters action upon us at storied Augusta National -- not to mention the fact that I'm running second in my office's Masters pool after the first round -- what better way to escape the confines of my desk than live streaming video of the rounds? You can pick from watching players round Amen Corner, take their shots at Holes 15 and 16, or -- if you happen to be a horribly boring individual -- the post-round player interviews.

Ahhhhh. I can almost smell the azaleas.

[photo courtesy of the Masters. well, it would've been courtesy, if I had bothered to ask]

Monday, April 7, 2008

Capitalist Entrepreneurs Denounce Chinese Government. . . For Fun and Profit!

With all the hubbub-ing, donnybrook-ing and brouhaha-ing* resulting from numerous attempts to extinguish the Olympic torch on its slow, inevitable plod toward Beijing, I thought I'd highlight this fiendishly clever t-shirt I came across at Zazzle. Available from the good folks at StencilCrew, this t-shirt is a fine (and stylish!) example of how micro brands can be as hip as they are socially relevant. So, if you troublemaking Tibetans persist in trying to keep the flame from its glorious destiny as visual propaganda in the furtherance of worldwide worker revolution, at least try to dress the part, won't you?

* Yeah, so I invent new present participles. At least they're funny. And unlike some, I do know when my fake gerunds sound ridiculous.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Nats' Home Opener

This'll teach my G.I. tract
We may not have stayed quite long enough to see Ryan Zimmerman's walk-off homer to end the game in the bottom of the 9th last Sunday, but the Washington Nationals' season opener in their swanky new stadium couldn't have been much better. I mean, seriously -- Ben's Chili Bowl, Hard Times, Cantina Marina and Red, Hot & Blue available in the same place, separated by a scant thirty feet? Not to mention hard liquor being served? This ain't RFK, kids.

While I voted with my gut for Ben's this time, I can't wait to get back out to Nationals Park for another game to sample the other offerings.

Oh, yeah, and there's baseball being played, too. w00t!!!1

[photo courtesy of my beautiful wife, who loves Ben's almost as much as I do]